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Tips on getting some time back

By getting time back in your day you can use that time to be more productive and focus on the things that are important to you and that you want to do.

Follow these tips to get some time back in your day!

Do the hardest thing first

Stop procrastinating and do the hardest thing first! Once this is done and out of the way, everything else will be easy!

Time your activities

This will help you to understand how much time you are really spending on each task and see where you are spending a lot of time.

Outsource where you can!

Just because you can do everything it doesn’t mean you have to! Outsource your tasks. This includes asking your children and other family members for help. Delegate household chores to your children or get them involved!

Put down that phone and set it to silent

Put the digital distractions to sleep and focus on what’s in front of you. This will help you accomplish more in your day and get some time back.

Use online shopping and Click and Collect where possible

Not only is a great way to plan your shopping and watch the budget, it’s a great way to minimise the time spent wandering the aisles.

Carpool your kids if you can

Talk to other parents who live close and have kids in the same sports team or school. Could you share pick up and drop offs?

Know those quick things that if you don’t do will cause you the most stress

Is it unstacking the dishwasher, triaging your in box or making your bed? Some tasks are quick and can help set the tone for the day – so do them!

Use your diary (digital or paper)

Schedule in some time to work on your career or time for networking and stick to it!


Automate repetitive tasks that you find yourself doing often, like paying bills or subscriptions.

Eliminate activities and bad habits that add no value

Perhaps you are stuck in a routine that is comfortable or have little rituals that soak up time and do little else. It might be time to change things up! Use our decision making tool to help with this one.

Follow some or all of these tips and you are sure to get some time back in your day!